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Back in 1979 a British journalist from the Guinness Book of World Records was on assignment to interview what was reported to be the world’s oldest living man. His name was Shigechiyo Izumi and he lived on Tokonoshima, an island that belongs to the Southern Island of Japan. At the time of the interview Izumi was 115 years old; the journalist was astounded at the remarkable good health Izumi enjoyed, and he learned that Izumi had worked until he was 105. After further investigation the journalist found that all of the inhabitants of the island enjoyed the same good health and longevity. Investigators discovery was nothing short of phenomenal; the researchers found that the Island was composed of Sango coral. After testing the water the Islanders drank they found it to be completely different from any other water in the world. What made the water unique was that the water sifts through the coral picking up minerals and other elements.

Corals are live organisms that live in the ocean forming colonies or reefs during thousands of years. Of 2500 sorts of corals only two are used as food. One of them is Sango coral that are found in Japan, near Okinava island. Sango coral contains 73 minerals essential for human living: calcium, magnesium, potassium, iodine, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, molibdenium, gold, cobalt and other rare minerals.

Interestingly, calcium in corals is in an easily assailable ionic form. Investigation of coral calcium show that, when assimilated in the body, it reduces the excess acid in the blood (makes it alkaline) and improves supply of the free oxygen to the body cells.

Sango coral also contains the rare mineral Praseodymium. It has been established in laboratory that Praseodymium in microscopic doses in rats prolong their lives 2-fold. The same has been confirmed for the rare mineral Yttrium, which is also found in Sango coral. 73 of Sango coral minerals, including coral calcium enhance the effects of selenium in the body and significantly broadens spectrum of its beneficial properties.